The key facts that you really want to know!

The Broker Investment Group is a unique company that finds bespoke solutions to often complex succession challenges. Our abilities are far-reaching in this specialist area.  Your specific needs are individually tailored.

So we’ve put together some of the key facts and most important information that will help you understand why we could be exactly what you need.

Brokers have a turnover lower than £5M GWP

Of smaller brokers have a Principal over 60 years old

The most common time-scale until retirement

Capital Gains Tax payable using the The Broker Investment Group Model

32 independent insurance brokers where The Broker Investment Group hold a minority stake in each

independence of your firm retained

of GWP within the group

The market will fast become flooded with brokers needing exit strategies. This will have an adverse effect on the value of your firm.

Act nowget in touch with The Broker Investment Group today.

Find out how we can help you plan for the future.
