Cash out of business

There is a myriad of reasons why shareholders would like to extract cash out of their business. They may have some aspect of life where their cash is better directed, or perhaps it’s desirable to crystalize some cash for their investment. Whatever the reason, The Broker Investment Group can assist, without this affecting existing control or distribution of dividends.

Broker 1

The proprietor is the majority shareholder of this commercial insurance broker in the Midlands, and was conscious that it would be advantageous to “de-risk” and realise some capital personally for his shareholding.  Having The Broker Investment Group as the silent partner enables him to do this, without encroaching on his voting rights or dividends.  The company is also actively seeking acquisition opportunities, made more attractive by the unique way that The Broker Investment Group is able to provide funding for these.

Broker 2

This Midlands-based commercial insurance broker has three shareholders, all with different succession ambitions.  The Broker Investment Group have bought a  minority shareholding to let all parties realise some capital personally (as ever, without voting rights or taking any dividends), and to assist with a final exit when any party chooses.

Broker 3

This commercial broker in the London area has two Director/Shareholders.  The Broker Investment Group have taken a minority shareholding in the company, allowing both to realise some capital personally, without encroaching on voting or dividends.  This broker has partnered with The Broker Investment Group to aid the growth of the business through acquisition, and the unique way we can fund these for the acquiring broker.

Broker 4

The two Director/Shareholders effected an MBO over 6 years ago through cashflow – they often comment that they wish they had partnered with The Broker Investment Group when this deal was done!  The Broker Investment Group have taken a minority shareholding (as ever, no voting rights and no dividends) to let both parties realise some capital personally.   This brokerage is a young firm looking for growth, and we currently are working on two opportunities, which will transform the size of the business.

Broker 5

The proprietor is the majority shareholder of this PL & CL insurance broker in the South West, and was conscious that it would be advantageous to “de-risk” and realise some personal capital for his shareholding.  Having The Broker Investment Group as the silent partner enables him to do this, without encroaching on his voting rights or dividends.  The company also gains the support of our enhanced insurer relationships, making life as a broker a little easier!

Broker 6

This CL & PL brokerage in the Midlands has two Director/Shareholders.  The Broker Investment Group have taken a minority shareholding in the company, allowing both to realise some capital personally, without encroaching on voting or dividends.  The business has partnered with The Broker Investment Group to aid the growth of the brokerage and benefit from our enhanced insurer deals.
